We are pleased to offer you a secure and lucrative Private Placement Program for RMB.
We need the CIS / KYC of the client and a Proof Of Funds (bank statement or bank tear sheet. It must be less than 03 days old).
The Trade Platform will make you an interesting offer within 24 / 48 hours after receiving the required documents.
If you are a consultant or a broker, your interests will be protected by an IMFPA. Your commission for each successful deal will be 0.5%.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Marc Marcel Djo
E-mail: marceldjo@aol.com / marceldjo@gmail.com
Mobile / Whatsapp: +22579328962
Skype: marceltheivorian
WeChat: wxid_giscrjhackxb22
Telegram: @MarcelTheIvorian